"A Final Word About Rick Olney And Industry Predators In General
In 2003, I was invited to a convention in Herkimer, New York, called the Mighty Mini-Con, by a man named Rick Olney.
The convention was not a success by any standard, it was extremely poorly attended and it was clear that the organizer had no idea what he was doing. He was unfortunately lacking in every aspect a convention organizer needs to be proficient in to make an event work.
I had been a guest at the Second Genesis Con in Portland, and at the massive SDCC event in San Diego previously, and had been treated very well, despite my relative newcomer status. Everything they promised, they delivered, with professionalism and integrity. So I was trusting, despite a couple friends warning me of Rick's instability and difficulties with the truth.
Rick invited me, and when it came time to buy the tickets, he convinced me to buy them and he would reimburse me for my ticket immediately. (my husband was coming as well, and I did not ask for Rick to buy his ticket at any point). That was a lie. Then he said he would get the money to me before I left, that was a lie. Then he told me the money would be given to me at the con, that was a lie. Then he told me the money would 'beat me home,' and that, too, was a lie. He continued to withhold reimbursement for my ticket for many weeks...occasionally telling me the check was 'in the mail,' or some other excuse. He became increasingly paranoid and bizarre and threatening as I continued to ask for this money to be returned.
During this time, Rick several times tried to float the idea that I would be given some kind of bonus, "for the inconvenience." I did not ask for these, and of course, they never arrived, either. My mother was in the hospital, and I simply needed him to keep his word. It wasn't until much later that I learned this is Rick's pattern for deception, but more about that in a minute.
Weeks later, I received a check from Rick. It did not cover my entire airfare, let alone any of the 'bonuses,' he was going to include. I stress again, these 'bonuses' were his idea...he was going to send a hundred dollars to cover the money still owed from my ticket and for expenses we incurred because his credit card was declined after the convention...they hadn't booked us a hotel, and could not afford to buy a dinner we didn't even want at that point. He also claimed he was going to pay my husband's airfare, something I never asked for. When I make an agreement, I hold up my end. I didn't want 'bonuses,' I wanted him to hold up HIS end.
TWO YEARS LATER, he still hadn't paid the remainder of my airfare. I have posted the emails here, a dozen times he told me it was coming, or it was in the mail, or that he had to 'get money from a special account.' After TWO YEARS, I told him to stuff the remaining money, and I simply never wanted to hear from him again. Because I told him to keep that money, RICK OLNEY DOES NOT OWE ME A DIME. I keep my word. I told him to keep his money. I would not accept it now if he grew a sense of decency and paid it.
For three years after the con, I said nothing in public about Rick or the convention. I found his online behavior to be revolting...he was kicked off many of the industry's message boards for racism, tantrums, hostility and actual physical threats. Anyone questioning him became an enemy. At the comicon.com board, his very NAME is banned...you literally can't post his name there anymore.
Then he started a publishing imprint for comics, mostly featuring his own characters. And he immediately began running it the same way he ran his convention...with no knowledge, experience, talent, funding, or integrity. And very shortly, none of the people working for this imaginary vanity project were paid. A dozen creators have come forward, all telling the same story, that they did the work and were never paid. That in fact, they were insulted, bullied, threatened, and otherwise abused.
At that point, I had had enough, and I started a thread warning people to stay away from this man. When professionals like Chuck Dixon and Val Staples are being called 'unprofessional' by a serial deadbeat with no idea what he's doing, it rankles. Several pros asked me for help, as they had put aside work with legitimate companies to work for Rick, and now it was clear he never had any intention of paying any of them, nor did he have the knowledge or funding to actually print the books.
We were astounded by how many people came forward once people started comparing notes. Comic stores, vendors, artists, writers, Rick's own PR people, former members of his club, and convention guests all were telling the same story. That Rick has lied to them, bullied them when they talked about it, and threatened them physically or legally to get them to stay quiet. We never found a SINGLE creator who came forward and said that they had been paid on time, in full, by Rick Olney. Most were paid nothing, and never will be. He has repeatedly boasted joyfully that he will never be forced to do the right thing, even when, as is the case with writer Scott Reed, he is taken to court and loses.
If you go back about twenty pages or so on this thread, you will see just a few of the emails and posts from creators and others who have unfortunately crossed this man's path. They all regret it. Rick has a backpack full of excuses for every one, none of which match the recollection of the witnesses and most of which is disproved in his own words by email. But the bottom line is, Rick never, ever paid most of these people.
So for several years, we had a thread going, to warn people to avoid any and all of Rick's fanboy delusional projects. The idea was always to prevent people from getting shafted. When it became hard for Rick to wrangle savvy pros in his own country, he started talking with unpublished creators who didn't have any experience, then pros from other countries who might not be aware of his history, and eventually, I kid you not, convicted felons still incarcerated, to try to keep his fanboy dream going.
Eight years later, none of the things he's roped these poor people in on have come to pass--No Mohawk Valley Comic Club, no haunted house attraction, no comic books, no conventions, no nothing.
I kept this thread going for one reason--to try to make sure more unsuspecting pros are aware of Rick's long history of terrible behavior towards people in the industry. But for me, it's time to move on. There are many, many other people who have now spoken out about Rick's behavior, and there are many websites keeping records of all the people he's cheated. And at this point, if someone googles Rick's name, sees all the evidence, all the testimonials from people he has cheated, and they are STILL foolish enough to get involved with them, no amount of talking from me or anyone else is going to make a difference.
The evidence is out there.
Just a few posts ago, a poster posted a bunch of excellent links from various news sites that have reported Olney's broken promises in detail.
Comics legend Tony Isabella warns everyone here:
For a detailed run-down of a few of Rick's abuses of people who trusted him, J.R. LeMar has an excellent set of links:
I thank all the people who have kept accurate histories of Rick's abuses, victims, and constantly changing bag of excuses. I particularly want to thank the many, many people who came forward with their own stories, despite physical and legal threats to keep quiet about his practices. A lot of positive things came from this thread, but the best possible outcome is that some people ended up NOT getting ripped off, lied to, abused and threatened. This was a case where the internet allowed people to compare notes, and find a long-time pattern, and hopefully warn others to avoid a similar fate.
I am doing one more post, and then this thread will be shut down. There are many other sites that are keeping an eye on this man, and others like him, and they are probably more helpful to the potential victim than this one, as they present the facts without the conversation, distractions and occasional jocularity that sometimes took this thread over. I met some wonderful people here, so that's another unexpected and pleasant side effect. And I was reminded again and again that MOST people in the industry DO have integrity and ethics.
One rotten example only makes the rest shine better in comparison.
So thank you, everyone, and good night (after one last post!). "
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